The COVID-19 Red Zone In West Java Widened Again

JAKARTA - West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil said that this week there were eight regions included in the COVID-19 red zone in the province, an increase from last week's six regions.

The eight red zone areas are Cimahi City, Garut Regency, Majalengka Regency, Karawang Regency, Bekasi Regency, West Bandung Regency, Bandung City, Depok City.

"Our red zone has increased to eight. So we must be vigilant," said Kang Emil in Bandung, reported by Antara, Monday, December 14.

The areas that need to be watched out for are Garut Regency, Majalengka Regency, Karawang, Bekasi Regency which has a significant increase. West Bandung Regency is back in the red zone, Bandung City is still red, Cimahi is back in red, Depok is red,

Last week, there were six regencies / cities in West Java Province that were included in the COVID-19 red zone, namely Depok City, Karawang Regency, Bandung City, Garut Regency, Tasikmalaya City and Majalengka Regency.

Residents living in the eight red zones of COVID-19 are advised to be vigilant and pay attention to all the potential that will occur, so as not to be exposed to COVID-19 by always implementing the 3M health protocol (wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands).

However, Kang Emil said, in general the cure rate for COVID-19 patients in West Java Province was quite high, namely at 82 percent and the death rate was low, only at 1.6 percent.

"So the problem in West Java is that the hospital occupancy rate is now at 75 percent," he said.

He said in anticipation of a surge in the number of COVID-19 patients in West Java, the West Java Provincial Government has prepared 15 new buildings to be used as isolation centers, including dormitories for education centers (pusdik) and the Army Officer Candidate School (Secapa AD) in Kota. Bandung.

"There is an addition from Mr. Kasad, it is also Pusdik including Secapa AD, which will also be donated a month ahead for additional isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients," he said.

In addition to preparing isolation centers, Kang Emil said that currently the West Java Provincial Government is also preparing several options related to human resources (HR) in handling COVID-19 patients who are undergoing isolation.

"And I have assigned it to analyze the addition of this isolation building to be covered by existing health personnel and the TNI, cross-subsidizing human resources from low-burden areas, so this is assigned to high burden and the final option for recruiting health workers volunteers. This is being calculated. , "he said.