SIMplification Of Google's Policy Tightening Rules For Children's Applications On The Play Store

JAKARTA - Google announced several updates regarding app policies designed for children, as its mission to create a safe and positive experience on the Play Store.

Sebagai pembaruan tersebut, Google memperluas program "Tacher Approved", yang sudah ada sejak tahun 2020, dan dimaksud untuk menyoroti aplikasi berkualitas tinggi yang diviewed dan ditingkatkan oleh guru dan spesialis pengembangan anak.

Through this program, all applications in the Play Store Children's tab, and families can now find quality applications and games more easily.

"As part of our ongoing investment in Approved Teachers, we are delighted to expand this program so that all apps that meet the Family Play Policy will be eligible to be reviewed and displayed on the Children's tab," wrotekology Brooks, General Manager, Kids and Family on Google's blog Android Developer some time ago.

These changes will help simplify some policies around apps made for children, which in the future will increase the number of eligible applications to be reviewed for the Approved Teachers' program.

In addition, this policy update also encourages Android app makers to comply with stricter laws and regulations around software targeting children.

"Our teaching and expert team around the world will review and assess applications based on factors such as age suitability, experience quality, enrichment, and pleasure," Brooks added.

For additional transparency, Google will also include information in app members about the reasons the app is ranked high to help parents determine whether the app is right for their child.

Furthermore, Google also updated the SDK Advertising Independent Family Program. Elementary school makers must now identify which version of the SDK is suitable for use in the family application.

Next year, all family developers will be required to only use the SDK Advertising Self-Allure Test which has been identified by the SDK as suitable for use in the Family application.

In the coming weeks, all apps that include children as their audience targets will be able to show their compliance with Play's Family Policy requirements with a special badge in the Data Security section.