Realize The LNG Industrial Target Center Of Excellence In Indonesia, PAG, And SENA In Collaboration

JAKARTA - Member of Sub Holding Gas Group, PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG) reached a cooperation agreement with PT Solusi Energy Nusantara (SENA) regarding engineering, surveying and inspection. The agreement was contained in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Head Office PAG, Jakarta, Thursday 17 November.

This is the first step in aligning business strategic development (business strategic alignment) in the Sub Holding Gas environment to increase engineering capacity and capability in the LNG sector.

PAG President Director Bara Ilmarosa said the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was in line with PAG and SENA's long-term plans which both aim to become the Center of Excellence in the LNG industry in Indonesia.

"This cooperation is expected to run effectively in 2023," he said in a written statement, Friday, November 18.

In line with the President Director of SENA, Fuad Hasyim said this agreement was in line with the golden momentum of the energy transition to net zero emissions launched by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The energy transition makes gas commodity one of the core pillars, technology development, research & development and innovation that should not be missed. We hope that this can be realized thanks to the cooperation between PAG and SENA," he added.

The same support was conveyed by relevant stakeholders, such as the Director of Infrastructure and Technology of PT PGN Tbk, Achmad Muchtasyar and the President Director of Pertamina Gas, Gamal Imam Santoso. They assess that this collaboration shows seriousness in implementing synergies in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of each company and provide profit impact of Sub Holding Gas.

PAG and SENA are members of the Gas Group Subholding where PAG is engaged in Regasification and LNG Hub while SENA is a company engaged in Engineering, Survey, Inspection and Consulting.

Apart from being attended by Bara Ilmarosa, Fuad Hasyim, Achmad Muchtasyar, and Gamal Imam Santoso this activity was also attended, Finance & General Support Director of PT PAG, Wahid Achsanul Budaery, PAG and SENA management and related invitations.