Make It Easier To Examine In The Trial, Detention Of 3 Social Assistance Corruption Suspects In Bima Dipidah To Mataram Prison

Three corruption suspects in the distribution of social assistance (bansos) from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) worth Rp. 5.3 billion for fire victims in Bima will soon undergo trial at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court.

The detention of the three has now been transferred to the Class IIA Mataram Penitentiary, Kuripan, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Yes, there are three people (suspects) who were deposited at our place (Matram Prison). The prosecutor handed over this morning from the Bima Kejari," said Head of Class IIA Mataram Prison Ketut Akbar Herry Achjar in Mataram, NTB, Friday 18 November.

The three suspects had the initials AS, former Head of the Bima Regency Social Service; IS, former Head of the Social Protection and Security Division (Linjamsos) of the Bima District Social Service; and SU, assistant to the distribution of fire social assistance.

Before being detained in Mataram Prison, the three suspects were placed in the Bima Police Detention Center.

Head of Class IIA Mataram Prison Ketut Akbar Herry Achjar said this case was investigated by the Bima Kejari based on complaints of social assistance beneficiaries in the distribution program in 2021.

The beneficiaries of this assistance, said Akbar, came from among the victims of the fire disaster in Bima Regency in 2020.

Each recipient gets financial assistance from the ministry directly to their respective personal accounts.

The budget is received in two stages, as much as 60 percent for the first phase, the rest is given on condition that the recipient must make an accountability letter.

From the examination of beneficiaries with a total of 258 people, it was revealed that there was a cut in social assistance funds from the Bima District Social Service with varying nominal value. The cuts occurred when the recipient disbursed the social assistance funds through the banking sector.

According to the recipient's statement, Akbar continued, the Bima District Social Service conducted cuts on the grounds of administrative costs. The average discount value is IDR 500 thousand per recipient.

Against the three suspects, the Bima Kejari suspects Article 11 and/or Article 12e of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.