Support Mineral Downstream, PLN Ready For Electric Supply 39 MVA To First Zinc Smelter In Indonesia

BANJARMASIN PT PLN (Persero) is ready to supply electricity of 39 megavolt amperes (MVA) to support the operation of a mineral processing and refining facility from mines or a zinc smelter belonging to PT Kobar Lamandau Mineral (PT KLM).

The smelter, which is located in West Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, is the first and only zinc smelter in Indonesia.

This collaboration is carried out to support the government's efforts to increase added value for domestic mining products through mineral downstreaming.

The actual manifestation of this commitment was ratified in the signing of the Electric Power Sale and Purchase Agreement (PJBTL) for the Provision of Power 39 MVA between PLN and PT KLM at the Galaxy Hotel Banjarmasin, Friday 11 November.

General Manager of PLN's Main Distribution Unit for South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, Muhammad Joharifin, emphasized that PLN is always ready to support the growth of the mineral management industry because it is in line with Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining which aims to encourage increased added value in the mineral sector.

"The smelter industry is one of the national projects to support mineral downstreaming, so we are ready to meet electricity needs for business developers in Indonesia with reliable quality and competitive prices," said Joharifin.

PLN's optimism in electrifying business and industry in South Kalimantan and Kalimantan Tengan is not without reason. Currently, continued Joharifin, the electricity system in Kalimantan has been connected to the Barito Interconnect Interconnection Interconnection transmission network with a capable capacity of 1,780 megawatts (MW) and a highest peak load of 1,305 MW with 475 MW reserves.

"The electricity system of PLN is currently very reliable, the power to be able is also excessive so that there is no more issue of a power deficit. So for entrepreneurs who intend to build an industry in Central Kalimantan, please build it, you focus on managing their business, we will take care of the electricity," explained Joharifin.

Joharifin hopes that this signing can have a broad impact on the economy both in the region and nationally. Because the presence of the smelter industry can absorb local workers which then has an impact on improving the welfare of the surrounding community.

"With the growth of industrial places like this, of course we hope to increase our economic growth, especially as we all know at this time is the revival period due to the Covid-19 pandemic," explained Joharifin.

President Director of PT Kobar Lamandau Mineral (PT KLM), Chandra Sastrawiliong expressed his gratitude for the support provided by PLN, especially for the power supply of 39 MVA which will be given to his company.

"We are very grateful to PLN for facilitating our company through PJBTL with the power of 39 MVA," he added.

Chandra explained, so far Indonesia is still importing zinc ingot products or zinc metals from abroad.

Responding to the growing market needs with available resources, PT KLM produces it domestically with a purity level of 99.995 percent so that the processing process of this raw material requires large and reliable electrical energy.

"Through this opportunity, I as the President Director of PT KLM with our strategic partner PLN can work together in contributing to economic movements in Indonesia," he said.