Optimization Of TKDN In IKN Will Open Many Fields

JAKARTA - The Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) revealed that the optimization of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) in the construction of the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago opens up employment opportunities.

"In the end, we open up jobs. We ensure that all local and national potentials are prioritized compared to foreign countries," said LPJK Coordinator V of the Ministry of PUPR Manlian Ronald A. Simanjuntak, quoted from Antara, Friday, November 18.

He added that this TKDN is really being fought for so that 70 percent to 80 percent is fully in Indonesia. The strategy is that the first LPJK encourages starting from the construction workforce, then applicators, materials, business entities including service providers to ensure their human resources come from Indonesia.

"Even if there are foreign workers, they must be accompanied by Indonesian workers," he said.

As for material matters, how is the availability of local materials. Even if there is material from abroad, manufacturers are made to produce in Indonesia, including equipment, assembly to the availability of spare parts and so on.

Regarding TKDN, the Ministry of PUPR is collaborating with the Ministry of Industry. This is because TKDN certification was issued by the Ministry of Industry.

"The Ministry of PUPR together with LPJK are entrusted with how we help the entire construction sector. We conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGD), business matching, and assistance so that TKDN gets into the expected weight," said Manlian.

Previously, the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) encouraged the procurement of goods and services in the state capital (IKN) of the archipelago so that domestic products (PDN) and MSMEs as an effort to grow new economic points.

LKPP has issued an LKPP Regulation regarding guidelines for providing infrastructure and procuring IKN goods/services whose main enthusiasm is domestic pro products (PDN) and micro-small/UMK businesses as well as cooperatives.

LKPP also appreciates the Ministry of PUPR which has committed to accommodating and optimizing PDN and UMK-Operatives in the development of IKN in the future.