Convex World Food Crisis Solutions, What Are The Constraints And Benefits For Health?

YOGYAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto, Minister of Defense, said that cassava is a solution to the world food crisis. He conveyed this idea at the Global Food Security Forum event in Nusa Dua Bali last November 13.

Prabowo said cassava is an efficient plant, so it can overcome the threat of a food crisis. He also revealed that in Indonesia cassava has been widely processed into various food products.

Cong or cassava is suitable for cultivation in Indonesia. Many regions in Indonesia have the right land to plant cassava. Concave tubers are consumed as a source of carbohydrates to replace rice and corn.

Singkong can be used as a staple food because it is rich in carbohydrates. In addition, the tubers also have a variety of good nutritional ingredients for health. Singkong has a high pati content of up to 90%. In addition, there is also a 20% sugar content.

Singkong also contains other ingredients, such as an average protein of 1,25%, 0.29% fat, cassium of 0.12%, Phosposr of 0.16%, sodium of 0.06%, and magnesium of 0.37%. At 100 grams of boiled cassava contains high calories derived from carbohydrates.

The various nutritional ingredients in it make cassava a good food for health. Here are the benefits of consuming cassava for health.

Cassava is a good intake to increase energy. Cassava can be a source of energy because it contains high carbohydrates. Consumption of cassava can support physical activity.

Carbohydrates in the cassava consumed are then converted into glucose in the body. Glucose is stored in the muscles as an energy reserve. The fiber content in the cassava also makes you feel full longer.

Singkong is also useful for preventing constipation. Singkong contains a Regent of resistance which is quite high so that it is useful to improve digestion. Pati resistance is a type of insoluble fiber that is rich in cellulose.

Fiber pati contained in cassava is useful in facilitating digestion so that it can prevent constipation. Convex intake can also encourage good bacterial growth as an intestinal protection from inflammation.

Cassava can also help lower blood sugar levels. The fiber content in cassava can slow sugar absorption into the bloodstream. So cassava is one recommended food for diabetics.

In addition, the content of fiber in cassava is also useful in reducing the risk of obesity, reducing cholesterol levels, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Singkong also contains vitamin C which is good for skin health. Vitamin C is an important substance in the formation of collagen to maintain skin elasticity. By consuming cassava, it is beneficial to maintain skin health.

mineral content in cassava is useful for maintaining the function of the body's tissue. Mineral sources found in cassava include calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and so on.

Calcium is needed to maintain the health of bones and teeth. Iron is needed for the formation of proteins that flow oxygen throughout the body's tissue. Mangangan functions for the formation of bones, connect tissue, and sex hormones. Kalium is beneficial for protein synthesis and carbohydrate breakdown. In addition, cassava also contains magnesium which plays a role in reducing blood pressure and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

That is the explanation of the content and some benefits of cassava for health. Seeing the content owned and the commodity, cassava can be a solution to the world food crisis.

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