List Of 12 Critical Drugs That Can Be Taken From The Ministry Of Health

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health announced a list of 12 critical drugs that can be prescribed to patients during an investigation regarding sirop medicinal products with atypical progressive acute kidney disorders in children.

Critical drugs that may be used according to Circular No. HK.02.02 / III / 3713/2022 concerning Guidelines for the Use of Liquid/Sirup Medicines in Children in the Context of Preventing Increase in Cases of Atypical Progressive Acuterine Disorders including drugs containing:

"Critical drugs are that must be used regularly by patients, even though they are in the form of a sirop, not necessarily (safe), they are still being studied whether there is a glycol/diethylene glycol (EG/DEG) ethile content or not," said Ministry of Health spokesman Mohammad Syahril in a press conference attended online from Jakarta, Wednesday, November 16, Antara.

"Critical drugs can be used using therapeutic monitoring by health workers," he said.

Syahril said that a circular regarding instructions for using sirop drugs in children in order to prevent an increase in cases of acute progressive kidney disorders has been submitted to all health offices at the provincial and district/city levels as well as hospitals throughout Indonesia.

According to him, the circular issued on November 11, 2022 was also submitted to the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association, the Executive Board of the Indonesian Dental Association, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the Central Executive of the Indonesian National Nurses Association, the Central Executive of the Indonesian Midwives Association, and the Indonesian Pharmacists Association.

Syahril also explained that cases of acute kidney disorders in children had subsided in the last two weeks, after the government banned the use of sirop medicinal products.

According to government data on November 15, 2022, the total number of people with acute kidney disorders was 324 people, with details of 111 people having recovered, 199 people dying, and 14 people still undergoing intensive care.

"Since November 2, 2022 until now, or the last two weeks, there has been a decrease in cases. This means that cases have not increased, so there have remained 324 cases in the last two weeks," he said.