Health Office: 4,887 Elderly In Central Bangka Sudah Divaksin Dosis Ketiga

CENTRAL BANGKA - Central Bangka District Health Office, Bangka Belitung Islands Province noted that 4,887 elderly people had received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine."A total of 4,887 elderly citizens have received the third dose of vaccine or 60.49 percent of the total 10,936 targets," said Head of the Central Bangka Health Service Anas Maarif in Koba, Antara, Tuesday, November 15.Meanwhile, the number of elderly people who received the first dose of vaccine was 8,079 people or 73.88 percent and the second dose was 7,430 elderly or 67.94 percent."We have encouraged the acceleration of vaccination for the elderly with a ball pick-up pattern in an effort to anticipate," said Anas.The Central Bangka Regency Government is working with the Central Bangka Police to mobilize the elderly to come to the nearest public health center (Puskesmas)."The government has prepared operational vehicles to pick up elderly residents to their homes," he said.Local governments accelerate vaccination programs to form communal immunity.Anas also appealed to the public to be aware of the outbreak of acute hepatitis by continuing to improve a healthy lifestyle.The total number of residents who have been confirmed positive for the COVID-19 virus since 2019 until now has recorded 8,136 people.Of the 8,136 people died and the rest were declared cured.