The Woman Suspected Of Being A Victim Of Sexual Abuse The Former Police Chief Told Her Being Chronologically Taken To The Hotel

JAKARTA - The victim of abuse by the former Pinang Police Chief, Iptu T, was officially transferred to Yanma Polda Metro Jaya, due to harassment against a woman with the initials RD. Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugoroho confirmed the news.

"That's right, it has been transferred. Currently at Yanma Polda Metro Jaya," said Zain when met at the Tangerang District Court, Monday, November 14.

Tuesday, November 15, RD finally opened his voice in front of reporters at the Polda Metro Jaya. RD tells the chronology of the events he experienced.

RD said that at that time he intended to report cases of the spread of photos and videos about him on July 11, 2022 at the Pinang Police, Tangerang City.

When he arrived at the Pinang Police, he was asked to go to the room of the former Pinang Police Chief, Iptu T, to explain the case that happened to him.

"What's the case? I answered, I was persecuted and threatened to distribute my unnatural photos and videos. Let's see here the photos and videos," RD told reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 15.

"Then I said I didn't have it, I didn't even know when it was taken. Then I said I don't believe you then," he continued.

On that occasion, RD admitted that he was starting to suspect the behavior of the former Pinang Police Chief. The reason is the question asked to him is far from the case he wants to report.

"Then he asked, 'how old are you?' Then I answered 31 years. 'oh, it's funny again'. Then you were asked 'don't you steal your child?' Why did you ask that? Yes, that's okay. Then you can be taken out, right?' Oh, I'm sorry I'm not a girl like that, "said RD.

Long story short, RD admitted that he was contacted by the former Pinang Police Chief to invite him to eat. At that time, RD said, he thought the meeting was to discuss his case.

"I just thought about it. He picked me up, didn't know he immediately turned to the hotel. I'm already fighting. It was said 'who are you safe with?' You know who I am,' he said. RD admitted, at that time he was asked to go to a hotel in the Tangerang City area. At that time, RD was nervous and confused about what to do.

"He encouraged him to just come in and see the reception, so everyone is ashamed of us. I've been blank (empty thinking). I'm a typical woman who introverts, come in when I sit on my leg chair lipet, "I RD.

Then, it is still explained by RD, Iptu T forced him to take off his clothes and until finally there was intercourse.

"He has sex with me," said RD.

After the incident, RD also admitted that he intended to report the incident to the Tangerang City Metro Police. However, at that time, Iptu T's aide approached him at the Police.

The police chief approached me, invited me to the canteen and laughed at me. So people thought he bullied me because I was fussy about the report, even though I wanted to report the harassment. No one knows," explained RD.

On that occasion, RD admitted that he received a threat from Iptu T not to make a report. When followed by him not to extend the case, because he hopes that reports about the threat of spreading photos will be investigated.

But over time, he often spoke with words that made him decide to make a report to the Propam Polda Metro Jaya.

"He (the alleged perpetrator) handled all of my cases. Yes, I was reminded that but still he still said it was not good. He said not because of you, my career became chaotic, so it was destroyed because of you," he said.

According to RD's confession, he did not accept, let alone ask for money from these law enforcement officers to be silent.

"Don't say I asked for money. I never asked for money, and I'm not the same. I'm going to be angry. Because I'm fighting to this last point," he concluded.