Canceled Attending the G20 Summit in Bali, Tesla CEO Elon Musk Online Discussion with Minister Nadiem and His Favorite Story Reading and Watching Science Fiction

BALI – Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud Ristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk held an online interactive dialogue in a series of agendas for the G20 Summit in Bali. On that occasion, Elon Musk, who was unable to attend directly to Bali, was invited by Minister Nadiem to focus on discussing efforts to develop superior human resources.

Minister Nadiem said, intergenerational or cross-generational is an important concept in sustainability because it represents the importance of collaborating in efforts to create a better future.

"Through cross-sectoral and cross-generational collaboration, education plays an important role in encouraging a bright future", he said in Nusa Dua on Monday, November 14.

According to Nadiem, the current Indonesian education system is starting to move in that direction with the Freedom of Learning policy. This policy is said to depart from the principle of collaborating to innovate.

"Have a great curiosity about many things in this world. Great curiosity is the most important character for a person to have", explained the bureaucrat who is also listed as the founder of Gojek.

On the same occasion, Elon Musk revealed that he read and watched a lot of science fiction to get to the level he is today.

“That habit has had a lot of impact on me to seek the truth in many ways. From there I found that physics is very helpful in every way,” he said.

Minister Nadiem then asked Elon's views on education in the future and what exactly should be taught to the younger generation.

Elon also answered that humans should really understand what the most relevant essence is for themselves.

“When we want to solve a problem, we must know what tools we should use to solve the problem and understand how to determine which tools help the problem-solving process. Education in the future must also be like that", he said.

“What needs to be taught is the ability to think critically. You have to have the courage to reject bad concepts", continued Elon.

In the end, Elon conveyed a message to the younger generation to continue to maintain a great sense of curiosity.

“Great curiosity is the most important character for a person to have. Try to always assume that we are wrong. Thus, we will always strive to do the right thing. Always use your mind and heart. I used to just use common sense. But using the heart is equally important", he concluded.