9 Ways To Overcome My Stomachaches Without Drinking Drugs, The Simplest: Bath Waterfall

YOGYAKARTA In conditions that are not urgent or have stomach pain due to eating menus, mild winds, and pre- menstruation symptoms, can be treated in a simple way. Is there any way to deal with stomach pain without medication and can be done at home?

stomach pain can occur every time the stomach layer is irritated, said Henry Herrera, MD., a Texas-based gastroentrologist. This can be caused by spicy and acid eating, drinking cocktails, or mostly eating desserts. A number of other reasons can also trigger discomfort in the stomach. For stomach pain that may last just one to two hours, you may not need medication to get well soon. But if it takes a long time, try to evaluate what to eat before. Or evaluate the symptoms experienced, if not severe, you can follow the following method.

If you are facing constant stomach problems, such as bloating. Eating yogurt can help improve your digestive system. Although it doesn't make it comfortable, but bloating in general doesn't need to worry. If it's caused by constipation, you can consume enough fermented foods such as yogurt and kombucha. Yogurt can also help deal with stomach pain without medication, especially when the digestive system is disturbed.

Milk can help neutralize acid produced by the stomach, explained Jeffry A. Katz, MD., a gastroenterologist at the University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center. This home medicine can be drunk when the stomach feels starting, there is a burning feeling, and it feels full so it feels like it wants to vomit.

A simple medicine to treat stomach pain, is ginger tea. This material may be at home, namely ginger and tea or honey can be added. If you can't drink caffeine, you don't need to mix tea.

Jahe works well for your digestion. Sometimes the cause of stomach pain is not known for sure, but ginger can help accelerate the rate of movement of food to the small intestines from the stomach.

In theory, men and women have different hormone combinations. According to Irwin Grosman, MD., head of a gastroentrological association in Brooklyn says that mostly women need longer to digest food and defecate. The advice, add fibrous food in your diet. This will help the digestive system be balanced and no longer have stomach pain.

EATing medicines are just food, but there are things you need to pay attention to. Without food, the stomach is filled with wind that makes you in the wind. While mostly eating, also makes the stomach hurt. That is, eating when you are hungry and measuring your portion. In addition, identify the conditions if you follow other symptoms. If it hurts like burning, maybe because of ulcers and you have to see a doctor to deal with it.

If the stomach hurts on the side of the body, both left and right, this is due to musculoskeletal caused by dehydration or eating too much before you start a sports session. To overcome this, you don't need to take medication, drink enough mineral water and give it a break at least an hour after eating and then exercising.

As we know, chamomile contains bisabolol which is an anti-inflammatory compound so that it relaxes the muscle layer in the digestive tract. One way to deal with stomach pain, you can brew chamomile tea.

Peppermint can relieve stomach pain. Menthol has been shown to relax the muscles of the dilution channel, explains Herrera. But if you have acid reflux so that your stomach hurts, avoid drinking it.

Doctor Herrera also suggested a simple way to deal with stomach pain, namely by taking a warm bath. Warm water can relieve stress that often manifests on stomach pain. With warm water, tense muscles can loosen. You can add a little Epsom salt in the bathtub to help increase brain serotonin and relax more.