Discuss Work Accidents, DPR Asks Amman Mineral Evaluation Contractors

Commission VII DPR RI asked the President Director (Director) of PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) to evaluate and take firm action against contractor PT Vector Utama Indonesia regarding work accidents that resulted in death in April 2021.

The accident happened to an employee named AH, an uncharged Haul Truck operator 082 (Caterpillar HT793C) to the 60 mRL Shovel load point of 60 mRL from the 540 mRL elevation to pick up the payload.

"In this regard, Commission VII of the DPR RI urges the President Director of AMNT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara to continue to improve the Work Health and Safety (K3) system by conducting periodic testing mining equipment and increasing labor competence so that work accidents that are fatal can be avoided," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Eddy Soeparno in the conclusion of a Hearing Meeting with Amman Mineral's President Director in Jakarta quoted Friday, November 11.

Previously, at the same meeting, Amman Mineral President Director Rachmat Makkasau was questioned by Member of Commission VII DPR RI Adian Napitupulu who highlighted the issue of work accidents that befell subcontractor workers of PT Vector Utama Indonesia. However, the incident was not presented by the directors of PT AMNT. According to Adian, the work accident that occurred in the subcontractor of PT Vector should also be the company's concern, because it is part of PT AMNT's responsibility.

"The data is not complete with work accidents, right? In February 2022, some (workers) died, some were disabled. It happened in one of the Amman Mineral subcontractors, but I think it is part of Amman Mineral's accountability, because he himself chose the sub-contractor himself," said Adian.

Responding to the question, Rachmat explained the chronology of what happened. The chronology of the accident, explained the President Director of PT AMNT, occurred when AH was carrying a 'Operator Haul Truck' 082 (Caterpillar HT793C) truck with no cargo towards the 60 mRL loading point of the 60 mRL elevation from the 540 mRL elevation to pick up the cargo.

"On the way to the 105 mRL elevation, HT 082 moved to the left as it preceded. The vehicle lost control and passed the embankment until it fell at an elevation of 60 mRL. Then when he was helped, he was seen at that time and taken to the hospital, he was already dead," explained Rachmat.