List 18 Jokowi Volunteer Organizations: Musra Visits Every Political Party Ahead Of The 2024 General Election

YOGYAKARTA - President Jokowi asked the People's Consultative Assembly (Musra) from 18 of his volunteer organizations to continue. Jokowi assessed that Musra Indonesia's activities were a forum for accommodating the aspirations of the people.

The statement was made by the Secretary-General of Pro Jokowi (Projo), one of Jokowi's volunteer organizations, after meeting the President at the Bogor Palace. He also revealed that his party had conveyed the results of Musra in a number of regions in Indonesia, such as in Bandung, Pekanbaru, Palembang, and others.

President Jokowi also confirmed that he would attend the closing of the Musra which will be held in Jakarta in early 2023. So what are 18 Jokowi volunteer organizations?

A total of 18 volunteer organizations Jokowi visited the People's Musyawarahh (Musra) every political party. This combination of volunteers visited the Golkar DPP Office on Monday (7/11). They met the General Chair of the Golkar Party, namely Airlangga Hartanto.

Budi Arie Setiadi, Chairman of Pro Jokowi Volunteers, said the visit to the Golkar DPP Office was the first step in communicating with each political party to discuss the 2024 presidential election. He said the relationship with the yellow party was because the Golkar Party was considered a party that was open to new ideas.

Representatives of Jokowi's volunteer organization also visited Gerindra Chairman Prabowo Subianto on Thursday (10/11). The visit will be held at Prabowo's residence on Jalan Kertanegara IV, South Jakarta.

Ahmad Muzani, Secretary General of the Gerindra Party DPP, said Jokowi's volunteer meeting with Prabowo was held in the context of having lunch together. The meeting was held at 13.00 WIB.

Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party DPP, said that the arrival of Jokowi's volunteer representatives did not discuss support for Prabowo in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. He said the meeting discussed national issues and the contribution of the nation's children to Indonesia in the future.

Dasco also said the meeting was held in the context of friendship and thought sharing. He conveyed that the meeting was held to exchange ideas on solving problems and efforts to advance the nation and state.

In addition to the two political parties, Jokowi volunteers will also visit PDIP and other parties that are members of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). Budi said that later they would also travel to PAN and PPP.

The activity of visiting Jokowi volunteers to various political parties is a step to recruit presidential candidates (candidates) for the 2024 General Election. For information, Prabowo Subianto became the highest presidential candidate from the results of the Jokowi Volunteer Musra in West Sumatra on Sunday (6/11). Prabowo received support as much as 21.65 percent, superior to Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno who received 18.33 percent of the vote.

That is the list of Jokowi's volunteer organizations that conducted Musra Indonesia and supported several political parties for friendship. President Jokowi wants volunteers to continue to do Musra because it functions to absorb the aspirations of the community.

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