Lack Of Learning, South Sulawesi Proposed 10,385 PPPK Teacher Functional Positions

MAKASSAR - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of South Sulawesi has prepared various efforts to overcome the problem of the shortage of teaching staff or teachers, especially in remote areas.

Head of the South Sulawesi Education Office (Disdik) Setiawan Aswad said several efforts to meet the needs of teachers included proposing the formation of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) with more quotas.

"The Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman gave priority with the proposal of PPPK as many as 10,385 formations for teacher functional positions," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 6.

In addition to the priority of recruiting PPPK teacher formations, his party also makes efforts through the distribution of teachers. This means meeting the needs of teachers based on the list of real conditions of teachers in each school.

Thus, he said, if you enter South Sulawesi, you will first look at the teacher competency test (UKG) based on a moratorium that is certainly more selective.

"We continue to open formations for teachers to transfer to South Sulawesi to meet the needs of teachers, but of course they are carried out selectively," he said.

Specifically for the PPPK proposal, there were 10,385 teacher formations, and even received direct appreciation from the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB).

Kemenpan RB gave an award to the Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman to propose the largest teacher quota in Indonesia according to the needs of 2022.

Regarding the proposed need for ASN in 2022, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government has again proposed the largest quota for teacher formations. The total proposed formation of PPPK was 10,587, with details of 29 health functional positions, 10,385 teacher functional positions and 173 formation functional positions.

It is planned that this 2022 formation will proceed in 2023.

Meanwhile, the previous year, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government had opened a formation of 8.350 teacher PPPK formations and 3,432 people who met the requirements to be appointed. In fact, most of those who passed the PPPK were honorary teachers who had served for a long time.