According To The Expert, No Need To Think A Lot To Get Happiness

YOGYAKARTA A French philosopher, Renee Descartes in the 17th century, gave rise to thoughts about I think so I have. This thought was ultimately used as a basis for living life. For example, without thinking consciously, it can make inappropriate choices. In fact, awareness and thoughts are used as the basis for building a modern identity of society.

Unlike the philosophical thoughts above, although thinking in a certain context is necessary, a senior psychologist at Leedsosil University, Steve Taylor, Ph.D., believes that in many ways it would be better if we didn't think much. Responding to Descartes' philosophical thoughts, according to Taylor, we don't stop there even though we stop thinking. In addition, the mind can obscure the well-being and spontaneous creativity that arises from the mind.

Taylor divides the types of thoughts, first is the type of rational thought. This type of mind is often used in mathematics and philosophy. The rational and logical thinking that is done consciously is actually quite rare. Because some of our thoughts fall into different categories. For example in random associational chats that flow in our minds unconsciously.

This usually includes thinking about the future and the past. Especially when our attention is not busy with external activity. This thought will be filled with associations. Sometimes it can be fun, but often creates a sense of annoyance in oneself. Self-talk actually also triggers negative thoughts. So, Taylor recommends flowing' to the circumstances. When attention is absorbed in challenging and stimulating activities, such as playing music, dancing, writing or reading. These activities may stimulate the experience of running regularly.

The method Taylor recommended was reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, November 6, which is one of the reasons why flowing'' is related to welfare because we stop thinking. When our attention blends with an activity, our minds will become quiet and empty. This method is also a meditative activity, where we may experience a conscious state but don't think at all. After making the recommendations above, many people report that they feel more prosperous and have a more authentic feeling of life.