How To Enable Telkomsel Emergency Pulse 2022: No Need For Paniki Deh If You Don't Have Money
The recent payment feature (pay later) may be familiar to use for online transactions. Not only for online stalls or computerization wallets, you can also activate telkomsel emergency pulses! When you run out of credit and can't find a pulse counter, Telkomsel's emergency pulse debt system is the solution.
Similar to other loan features, Telkomsel will "borrow" a certain nominal pulse for prepaid card users. Later, the credited pulse tariff will be deducted automatically when you have refilled the pulse.
Although it is one of the truly profitable rescue features, not all users can use the emergency pulse feature. The following is a requirement for a Telkomsel credit that you need to know:
If you have met the above requirements, you have the right to receive credit loans according to the monthly pulse filling average.
When it meets the requirements to receive the Emergency Package, Telkomsel users can immediately activate. This activation work allows you to always buy internet or phone packages without buying credit first. The following is Telkomsel's emergency pulse debt method.
Through the MyTelkomsel App
Applications have indeed been commonly applied to carry out various transactions. This is what Telkomsel provides through its application. Purchase of credit until the emergency credit debt system can be done through MyTelkomsel with the following system:
Using UMB
As with carrying out pulse purchase activation or data plans, you can also select the Emergency Package by accessing UMB. The following is Telkomsel's emergency credit debt system via UMB:
Via Facebook
You can also activate Telkomsel's emergency pulse via Facebook, you know. This offer applies if you have installed the Facebook app on your smartphone or opened the Facebook website from the HP browser. If the remaining quota is up and the remaining pulse is less than IDR 10,000, you can activate the Emergency Package with the following system:
Via Phone
You may forget to buy a pulse when you want to call a certain number. If this happens, you will receive an Emergency Package offer. At that time, you can work on activation of the Emergency Package with the following system:
Even if you don't have a pulse, you can activate the Emergency Package via SMS too, you know! However, Telkomsel's emergency credit debt method via SMS can only be run when you meet the requirements with the following steps:
So after knowing how to apply telkomsel emergency pulses, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!