Police Add Article To Investigation Of Crowded Health Care Cases, FPI Allegedly Targeting Rizieq Shihab

JAKARTA - Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) lawyer Aziz Yanuar suspects that there was an attempt by the police to directly target Rizieq Shihab in order to impose a criminal offense against the FPI leader.

According to Aziz, initially the police used Article 93 of the Health Quarantine Law in conjunction with Article 9 of the Criminal Code against alleged violations of health protocols during the Prophet's birthday and marriage in Petamburan.

"If we look at it easily, the penalty is 1 year. We have also conveyed that Habib Rizieq is only a participant. This means that the person responsible or in the quotation marks is the committee," said Aziz in a webinar discussion broadcast on LDTV Youtube, Tuesday. , December 8th.

The following week, there was an investigation warrant (sprindik) with Rizieq Shihab as the reported using an additional article, namely Article 160 of the Criminal Code regarding incitement to crowds.

The case that was reported was the crowd of Maulid Nabi in Tebet. This has led to Rizieq's summons since 27 November.

"We are shocked to receive the threat of Article 160 with the addition of the incident in Tebet. From a legal analysis, we suspect this is clearly targeting Habib Rizieq," said Aziz.

"Maybe the first shot (of the crowd at Petamburan) failed because it did not fit. Based on the information requested for clarification, it states that the direction looks far from Habib Rizieq. Hence, this is clearly targeting Habib Rizieq in the second process," he added.