The National Police Chief Calls The Ethics Session For Members Involved In The Sambo Ferdy Case Confirmed To Run

National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensured that the ethics trial against members of the National Police involved in handling the Duren Tiga crime scene (TKP) would continue to be completed, including Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan who would undergo an ethics trial, Monday, October 31.

"Later, public relations will inform you, because now it is divided to handle several cases that are currently happening," said Sigit, quoting Antara, Sunday night, October 30.

The National Police's Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial against Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan was revealed from the statement of the South Jakarta District Court Judge, during a witness examination hearing, Thursday, October 27.

The panel of judges scheduled a follow-up trial for the defendant Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan on Thursday, October 3, because on Monday, October 31, the person concerned underwent an ethics trial at the Police Propam.

This ethics trial will be chaired by the Deputy General Inspectorate (Wairwasum) of the National Police Inspector General Pol Tornagogo Sihombing. In accordance with the National Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission, Article 43, the KKEP Membership Line to examine suspected high-ranking officers violators as stipulated in Article 38 paragraph (2) consists of Irwasum or high-ranking Polri officers whose rank is at a higher level than the alleged violator.

It is not certain what time the ethics trial of Brigadier General Pol Hendra Kurniawan was held. Like the previous ethics trial, it was held in the courtroom of the Police Propam Division on the first floor of the TNCC building at the National Police Headquarters.

As of October 3, the National Police's Public Relations no longer informed the schedule for the ethics trial of 35 members of the National Police who were suspected of violating ethics in handling the murder case of Brigadier J or known as Duren Tiga.

The first ethical trial against Ferdy Sambo was held on Thursday, October 25. Then, it was held in parallel from September 1 for Kompol Chuck Putranto and September 2 of the ethics trial of Kompol Baiquni Wibowo.

Of the 35 alleged violators, a total of 19 people have undergone an ethics trial. Information on the last ethics trial which was shared by the Public Relations of the National Police on Monday for alleged violators of AKP Rifaizal Samual. It is not known for sure, who of the remaining 16 personnel have undergone an ethics trial, and what the results of the ethical trial decision have been made since October 3.

Of the 16 personnel who are not yet known whether they have been tried ethically or not, there are three defendants obstruction of justice, namely Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan, AKBP Arif Rahman Arifin and AKP Irfan Widyanto.