6 Foreplay Trickes To Make Love For LongER And Jointly

YOGYAKARTA - Making love is not as simple as imagined. Sexual activity involving two committed couples requires agreement, consideration according to preferences, and certain tricks to satisfy each person in a partner. According to a certified therapist's sex explanation, Chelsie Reed, Ph. D., foreplay or opening moments for sex are important roles. Why is it important and how is the trick to make love durable and fun? When an erection, the blood flow around the penis increases. Likewise in the vagina, intimate organs that naturally secrete lubrication when stimulated and are sensitive. In sex rituals, men and women release the happy hormone, namely dopamine and oxytocin. At a large number of studies, it shows that foreplay plays an important role in satisfaction and comfort in making love, especially in penetration. Here, tricks that experts recommend for sexual pleasure with partners.

An important atmosphere is arranged to support sex moments. Both the comfortable room atmosphere, lights that don't interfere with views, romantic and sexy accompanying music, to eye contact. Eye contact also needs to be agreed upon. If your partner is embarrassed to establish eye contact, it can go through the agreed process.

As explained above, foreplay is important. Launching Men's Health, Monday, October 24, according to Rachel Wright, MA., LMFT., marriage therapist, family, and sex, before mutual stimulation, touch yourself first. That way each can feel an erotic sensation and desire slowly increases.

Most people have areas in their bodies that they like to touch. Like neck skin, arms, waist, ears, and buttocks. This is just an area that is immediately interesting to be stimulated. But for sure, the area must be approved to be touched by the partner. To find out where the points of feeling good and feeling bad on your body or your partner are), Dr. Chelsie suggests trying to map the body. Basically, you take the time to touch every point of the body and discuss whether you like such stimulation or not. Then, you really have a map of pleasure that takes you and your partner to the most sensual experience without ever misappropriating touch.

The number-8 fingering technique is one of the most tested and correct ways to make things run smoothly with the owner of the vulva. When you stimulate, work on super sensitive areas around the clitoris with a 8-point pattern. Get them until the small buttons swell, then carefully open the area with your fingers. Constantly vary the degree of pressure you use.

Clothing in sexy is for everyone. If you find the right match, you can really bring your partner back to life.

Dalilin ices that function double as massage oil are a fun and easy way to heat your foreplay, explained Sofiya Alexandra, co-host podcastrivate Parts Unknown. "Strengthen ice cubes between your teeth and pull them into your partner's body," Alexandra said.

That's the foreplay's trick to make love longer and more satisfying. Chelsea closes recommendations by providing advice, raising the foreplay game will help every type of sexual interaction that increases passion and major determinants in the entire sensory experience.