Tarakan's Funeral, 2-year-old Toddlers Who Fail To Close Their Age

JAKARTA - A two-year-old patient with a prograded acute kidney failure (acute boyney injury) in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan, died at Dr. Jusuf SK Tarakan Hospital.

"The patient died on Friday (21/10) at around 13.00 WITA, he planned to be referred, but his condition was critical," said Chairman of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) North Kalimantan (Kaltara) dr. Franky Sientoro Sp.A when contacted in Tarakan, Saturday, October 22, quoted from Antara.

The plan is for the patient to be referred to Wahidin Hospital in Makassar. Dr. Jusuf SK Hospital to be able to do dialysis, the condition is the patient's weight is above 15 kilograms, while this toddler patient weighs only 11 kilograms.

This case of acute kidney failure in children was first discovered in Kaltara, while another patient was suspected of being 15 years old.

The toddler patient arrived on Wednesday (19/10) at Dr Jusuf SK Hospital in a weak and vomiting body condition, as well as dehydration.

"Currently, the use of drugs in the form of sirop is reduced, using only tablets, but if the patient is not weighted enough to use the puyer," said Franky.

In a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) which stated that three dangerous chemicals were found in the sirop drug that was consumed by pediatric patients with acute kidney failure.

The three chemicals are ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and ethylene glycol butyl ether, respectively, which should not be in any sirop drugs.