Sultan HB X: Often Religious Figures Don't Say Signs Respecting Others Well, The Important Thing Is Self Heroism

DIY - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X admitted that he was surprised that many religious leaders were just talking about their own heroes.

Sultan said religious figures as he meant were minimal in discussing awards to other religions or ethnicities.

"Often religious figures only convey to their own people their heroes, but verses that respect other people, other ethnicities, other religions have never been delivered properly, the important thing is their own heroes," said Sultan, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

Sultan added, this is in the context of reinterpreting Bhinneka Tunggal Ika so that it does not just become a symbol of the state.

"Don't just read the constitution or the symbol of the state, with a picture of Garuda Pancasila on his chest, but become a tool, becoming a strategy for the nation's integration," he said.

According to the Sultan, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika has been interpreted more by emphasizing that what is different remains or must unite within the framework of the Indonesian nation.

However, he said, on another aspect, respect or recognition of different things is still rarely conveyed.

"We are just one side. Yes, just one, just so you have to have one different, but that one does not necessarily respect what is different. We have never said that," said Ngarsa Dalem, Sultan HB X's greeting.

According to him, it is important to emphasize because the creation of the earth and its entire thing that is different is the provisions or will of God.

That way, continued Sultan, whether or not to recognize different parties is the same as against sunnatullah or the provisions that have been regulated and desired by Allah SWT.

"Different is sunnatullah, so if you don't recognize the others, the other colors are different, it's actually against His will too," he said.

In addition, according to the Sultan, in maritime or marine countries such as Indonesia, it is not appropriate to talk about the majority and minorities related to ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA) because the majority and minorities are usually only discussed in continental or continental countries.

"If we talk about the majority, yes, all must follow the majority of the religion, the majority of which are also the population. So, all must submit to the Javanese and Muslims, but that's not it," he said.

Sultan conveyed this when giving a speech at the Inauguration of the DPD Management of the Lemhannas DIY 2022-2027 Alumni Family Association at the Kepatihan Ward, Yogyakarta, Thursday, October 20.

The event was also attended by the General Chairperson of the DPP of the Lemhannas Alumni Family Association (IKAL) General TNI (Ret.) Agum Gumelar.