Emphasizing The Importance Of The Industrial Vocational Program, The East Java Chamber Of Commerce And Industry CHARGES 200 Percent Tax Incentives

SURABAYA - Chairman of the East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Adik Dwi Putranto stated that there are tax incentives of up to 200 percent for industries that support the vocational program.

"This Vaccination is actually quite attractive and profitable for the industry. Besides getting quality human resources more easily according to what is desired, industries that implement this vocational education and training program will also get Super Tax Deduction (STD) of up to 200 percent," Adik said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 20.

Adik said that his party continues to carry out socialization and strengthening understanding of the importance of industrial support for the revitalization program for Vocational Education and Training listed in Presidential Decree No. 68 of 2022.

According to him, his party has held a Technical Socialization and Guidance for the Utilization of STD Vocational at the East Java Chamber of Commerce Office on Tuesday 18 October. The socialization is in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, BPJamsostek, Kadin Indonesia and the TVET System Reform 2.0 Project.

Adik emphasized that socialization aims to increase knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the Vocational STD incentives and the benefits of procuring vocational programs. This activity is also expected to increase the number of companies that apply Vocational STD incentives.

Another goal of conducting socialization is to increase the opportunity for vocational educational institutions to cooperate with industry in implementing educational programs such as curriculum development, improving the quality and quantity of learning.

He explained that the Indonesian STD is a tax incentive provided by the government to industries involved in the vocational Education program, which includes research and development activities to produce innovation.

"Even if it is calculated, this vocational education will increase profits for the industry because productivity increases," he said.

Representative from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Rustandi said the vocational program was one of the government's priority programs. The goal is to improve the quality and competitiveness of Indonesian workers. Because it can only be met through increased competence and availability of skilled workers that suit industrial needs.

"In an effort to develop the quality of vocational education carried out in collaboration with the business world and the world of work, the government has issued a policy of reducing Vocational STD taxes. Vocational STDs are tax incentives provided by the government to industries involved in vocational programs," said Rustandi.

Super Tax Deduction Vocational is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 45 of 2019 and PMK Number 128 of 2019 which regulates the provision of STD incentives up to a maximum of 200 percent for business and industrial actors who carry out vocational programs in accordance with applicable regulations.