BPBD Asks For Sand Mining Activities At Mount Merapi Crater To Be Disaster Alert

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Boyolali Regency asked residents who are active in mining the sand on the slopes of Mount Merapi to be aware of the potential for floods and landslides.

The Head of BPBD Boyolali Regency, Widodo Munir, said rain with heavy intensity accompanied by strong winds and lightning is predicted to still be able to flush the sand mining areas in Banyudono, Kemusu, Karanggede, Ampel, and Selo.

BPBD asked traditional miners on the slopes of Merapi to pay attention to the early warning of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) by being aware of the possibility of disasters during mining activities.

"When it rains, don't carry out activities, it will endanger the miners themselves. Protect the safety of your soul when mining both in rivers and on your own land," said Widodo in Boyolali, Central Java Province (Central Java), quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

Floods have the potential to occur in watersheds where sand mining is located, such as the Apu River in the Selo area and the Gandul River which originates at Mount Merapi.

In addition, said Widodo, warags are also asked to be aware of areas where sand mining is unstable, where landslides are at risk when heavy rains fall.

He also conveyed a warning from the Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center that Mount Merapi was still on standby.

People in the disaster-prone area (KRB) of Mount Merapi, especially Tlogolele and Klakah villages in Selo Boyolali District, were asked to be aware of the possibility of the volcano experiencing an eruption during the rainy season.