Good News, Indonesian Consulate General In Jeddah Makes It Easier To Issuance Of Overstay Indonesian Citizen Passports In Saudi Arabia

JAKARTA - Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Saudi Arabia who violate the time limit for residence permits or overstaying in the region can get easy passport issuance for the past two months.

The passport issuance service for Indonesian citizens is based on the collaboration between the Directorate General of Immigration and the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

"The passport service presented by Immigration at the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah is to assist Indonesian citizens here who will return to Indonesia," said the Public Relations Sub-Coordinator of the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Achmad Nur Saleh, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

The service is also intended for Indonesian citizens who have completed overstaying wanting to return to their hometowns back in the country. Including those who wish to apply for a new residence permit to continue working in the country.

"So, it is not to make an illegal thing (overstay) legal, or to make the subject legal," he said.

passport service for Indonesian citizens overstaying in Jeddah is held for two months, from October 10 to December 10, 2022.

Based on data compiled as of October 18, 2022, there is an appointment with officers, the number of which reaches 15,400 people. In other words, the quota is full until December 10, 2022.

In more detail, the required documents that must be met by passport applicants at the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah include old passports or iqamah (Iqamah coffee photo).

If you do not have these requirements, you can bring two Indonesian citizenship proof documents. Documents that can be used include ID cards, family cards, driver's licenses, birth certificates, marriage certificates or marriage books and bank accounts in Indonesia.

Another requirement is a self-report proof letter from the consular function and finally specifically for Indonesian citizens born in Saudi Arabia, it is required to attach a birth certificate from the consular function and the passports of both parents.

He conveyed that the Indonesian people in Jeddah and its surroundings who want to take care of passports are required to make an appointment first through the link provided.

Upon arrival, he said, immigration officers would check the completeness of the required documents and proceed with verifying the identity of Indonesian citizenship.

Furthermore, domicile evidence will be issued or self-report. If all administrative processes have been completed, passport applicants can undergo interviews and take biometric data including photos and fingerprints.

"The issued passport will be sent to the applicant via SMSA or NTC," he said.