There Is No Find Case, Target City Of Pekalongan Free Children's Worker At The End Of 2022 Continues

JATENG - Pekalongan City Government (Pemkot) targets its area to be child-free by the end of 2022. Until now, no child labor has been found in the area nicknamed the batik city.

Pekalongan Mayor Afzan Arslan Djunaid said this target is so that children can get greater opportunities. He said his party had made visits to a number of companies to declare Pekalongan City free of child labor.

"This must always be maintained, there should not be child labor because at the age of children, they must obtain educational rights," he said in Pekalongan, Central Java, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 18.

According to him, there needs to be a joint commitment between all parties, both from the city government environment, labor supervisors, especially companies, so as not to employ children's age.

Until now, said Afza, his party had not found child labor so that the declaration of child labor free could run well and smoothly.

"The most important thing is commitment, do not let the company violate human rights, take children's rights because children's school days are used for work. We must protect this commitment," he said.

Deputy Mayor of Pekalongan Salahudin added that actually there were children who were unlucky when their school education stalled or were not stagnant.

"When their school gets stuck or doesn't go smoothly, it must be their motivation to achieve their goals. Don't forget about education," he said.