Ministry Of Home Affairs: 6 Regional Names Become A Pilot Of Three Priority Innovations

JAKARTA - The Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has made six regions a pilot for three priority innovations, namely taxes and levies, single data on poverty, and village-owned enterprises (BUMDes).

"There are six regions that are used as a model for three priority innovations in the regions, namely the Tanimbar Islands, Anambas Islands, Kapuas Hulu, South Nias, Kupang, and Sorong," said Head of BSKDN Ministry of Home Affairs, Eko Prasetyanto in his statement, Sunday, October 16.

Eko added that his party wanted to accelerate development in the frontier, outermost, left behind (3T) areas. This is because it is the mandate of Government Regulation (PP) Number 78 of 2014 concerning the Acceleration of Development of Disadvantaged Regions.

Eko also explained that taxes and levies are still the backbone of income, both in the APBN and APBD. Meanwhile, BUMDes shows that of the 75,961 villages in Indonesia, around 7,000 BUMDes are legal entities.

"This requires hard work from all of us," said Eko.

Meanwhile, regarding priorities in the field of poverty, in March 2022, the number of poor Indonesians experienced a decline, but the spread was uneven. For this reason, with the pilot project, regional innovation is expected to be able to accelerate equitable distribution of welfare and development.

"Of course there are areas where the poverty rate is below the national average, but some are above, so with the innovation model, it will definitely accelerate," he said.

Eko hopes for collaboration from various parties, because it is very important in accelerating development in the 3T area.

According to him, this effort requires close cooperation, both from the central government, local governments and village governments, and even the involvement of academics, businessmen, mass media, and the existing community is needed. "They are all actors we need to encourage," said Eko again.

Head of the Regional Innovation Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Aferi Syamsidar, explained the stages of activities that will be carried out in the pilot project for regional innovation.

According to Aferi, the first step was carried out by the identification process, in which the Ministry of Home Affairs BSKDN would study various breakthroughs implemented by several referral areas.

Aferi said the provinces of DI Yogyakarta, Sumedang Regency, Yogyakarta City, Depok, Palembang, and Surabaya were used as tax and levy referrals. Meanwhile, Kulonprogo, Banyuwangi, Situbondo, Toba Regency, Berau, and Palembang City are the only data references for regional poverty. Meanwhile, Denpasar City and Toba Regency are reference for BUMDes.

After identification, said Aferi, his party will carry out engineering, where the Ministry of Home Affairs BSKDN will build a sharing application based on the results of needs in the identification process, and finally the application of an innovation model. "At this stage we will provide technical guidance to regional facilitators and carry out monitoring and evaluation," explained Aferi.