Four Narcotics Network Police Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Was Threatened By PTDH

The four police officers suspected of being involved in the drug network, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, have been named suspects. Thus, they are threatened with sanctions for dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) for internal justice.

"So we will undergo a disciplinary, professional and code of ethics trial process which of course can lead to dishonorable dismissal," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Saturday, October 15.

The suspects are Aipda AD, Kompol KS, Aiptu J, and AKBP Doddy Prawira Negara. In fact, three of the four suspects have also been placed in special places (patusus). They are Aipda AD, Kompol KS, and Aiptu J.

However, AKBP Doddy Prawira Negara was not explained in detail. However, it is known that the former Bukittinggi Police Chief has been detained at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center.

"Especially for members who have the rank or from members of the police, both the police chief and several other non-commissioned officers also undergo a special service at the Polda Metro Jaya," said Zulpan.

On a different occasion, the Director of Drug Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Mukti Juharsa, said that the four police officers had been suspects since they were arrested. They are suspected of being involved in drug trafficking.

"When they were arrested (named suspects, ed). Wednesday, October 12th," he said.

For information, in a series of drug cases, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, Polda Metro Jaya has named 11 suspects.

Six of them are civilians. They have the initials HE, AR, L, A, AW, and DG. While the rest are members of the National Police. They are Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, Aipda AD, Kompol KS, Aiptu J, and AKBP Doddy Prawira Negara