Teachers In Palangka Raya Pinggiran Get Boat Assistance For Transportation

PALANGKA RAYA - Teachers in the outskirts of Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province received boat assistance which was used for transportation to their place of teaching."The boat assistance was symbolically handed over by the Central Kalimantan Regional Development Bank (BPD). It is designated as a means of operational for teachers at SMPN 6 One Roof, Kanarakan Village, Rakumpit District," said Head of the Palangka Raya City Education Office, Jayani in Palangka Raya, Antara, Thursday, October 13.According to him, the assistance of small boats or what is often called kelotok by the local community is very helpful for the operations of teachers in the local area."This assistance is urgently needed by teachers who carry out their teaching duties in the area. Moreover, the location of the school is far from the city center and can only be passed through water transportation," he said.With this assistance, Jayani hopes that teachers who work in the local area will be more active and enthusiastic in educating so that they can grow children with character and quality.In the Palangka Raya Region, which consists of five sub-districts, there are 49 junior high schools (SMP) consisting of 25 public schools and 24 private schools. In addition, there are also 125 elementary schools (SD) consisting of 99 public schools and 26 private elementary schools.Of all the schools, it was also recorded, for the elementary school level there were 1,636 teachers consisting of 293 lak-male and 1,343 women. Then for the junior high school level, there were 833 teachers consisting of 214 men and 619 women.Of all the schools and teachers, to get to the location of the school, some of them can only be accessed by water or river because they have not been connected by land routes.Among the areas in Palangka Raya that have not been connected to land routes are in the Rakumpit District area. Access to it can only be reached using river transportation."We also hope that banks and other companies can care more about the world of education. Like this assistance from Bank Kalteng," said Jayani.