The Ministry Of PUPR Emphasizes Security Aspects On Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) emphasizes the safety and energy efficient aspects on the Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road in order to realize driving comfort.PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) was encouraged to improve the quality of toll road services in a sustainable manner due to the increasing need and public expectations."We believe that a better toll road environment will contribute to comfort and safety in driving on toll roads, especially not only roads but also rest areas," Minister Basuki said in his statement, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 11.For this reason, the Ministry of PUPR through the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), Directorate General of Highways, Ministry/Institution (K/L), a team of experts inspecting the temporary rest area along the Pekanbaru – Dumai Toll Road.The Expert Team for the Sustainable Toll Road Assessment (JTB) Endang Setyaningrum said that in toll road assessment activities, the safety aspect of toll road users is very important."That's why we always encourage BUJT to pay attention to safety aspects. For example, routine maintenance of roads, lighting, adequate signs, and information for road users," said Endang.The Ministry of PUPR in 2022 again evaluates the quality of toll road services and sustainable rest areas throughout Indonesia, in line with the Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of PUPR Number 16/PRT/M/2014 concerning Minimum Service Standards for Toll Roads and PUPR Permen Number 28 of 2021 concerning Rest and Service Places (TIP) on Toll Roads.The JTB Assessment Activities for 2022 will be carried out from September 26 to November 6, 2022, on 47 BUJT, 67 toll roads, and 136 rest areas in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Bali. JTB's assessment is carried out by four assessment teams consisting of individual experts and assessors from the Ministry of PUPR on each toll road segment and a different rest area.Endang said this year the beautification aspect is also an indicator of the assessment so that toll roads and rest areas look more beautiful and comfortable."Toll roads must also have aspects of electrical energy efficient, both on their own toll roads and in rest areas, for example, lights can use solar power," he said.Meanwhile, Branch Manager of PT Hutama Karya (Persero) Pekanbaru - Dumai Indrajana Toll Road said that since operating in 2021, his party has also continued to make improvements to toll roads, both in terms of security and services for motorists. BUJT Pekanbaru &ndash Toll Road PT Hutama Karya is also committed to aligning between infrastructure management and nature conservation through reforestation."This Permai (New Week-Dumai Week) is the third-longest Trans Sumatra Toll Road in Indonesia. Currently we have installed 260 CCTV points on the main road and 30 CCTV points on the Transaction Lajur Gate, Varible Massage Sign (VMS), 7 units of generators and Toll Road Information Services," said Indrajana.