Pertalite is Considered to Have Met the Quality standards and is Not Wasteful

JAKARTA - Automotive observer Mukiat Sutikno positively evaluates the results of the Pertalite quality test by the Center for Research and Development of Oil and Gas Technology (PPPTMGB) or Lemigas which shows that Pertalite has met the standards and quality of RON 90 type fuel which is marketed domestically.

With the results of the test, according to him, the public does not need to doubt the quality of Pertalite according to its quality standard, namely the quality of RON 90. In addition, some people's suspicions that Pertalite has become more wasteful are also unfounded.

"If there is no change in the quality of Pertalite, in my opinion, it will not be wasteful for vehicles," Mukiat said in his statement, quoted from Antara, Monday 10 October.

The cause of wasteful fuel, he added, is not directly related to the type of fuel used, especially if it meets quality standards.

According to him, if there are complaints of wasteful fuel, it is more due to other factors, such as engines and traffic conditions.

"Traffic conditions are now getting more and more congested, almost like a pre-covid situation, so that there are more 'stop and go' which ultimately affect fuel consumption," he said.

In addition, vehicle conditions such as air pressure on tires can affect fuel consumption, then road conditions such as incline will have an impact on fuel consumption.

"The weight of the vehicle, the more passengers or goods will affect fuel consumption," said Mukiat.

Therefore, he continued, so that the vehicle does not waste fuel, the driver should maintain his driving style, namely by not doing a lot of "stop and go".

"Also pay attention to factors such as tire pressure and vehicle weight. Because the heavier it is, it will affect fuel consumption," said Mukiat.

According to him, if you want to be more efficient, users should choose the appropriate fuel for the Euro 4 engine, namely the Pertamax series fuel.

Previously, the Government asked the Center for Research and Development of Oil and Gas Technology (PPPTMGB) or Lemigas to conduct technical testing regarding the standards and quality of Pertalite fuel.

This step was taken after there were complaints that Pertalite was getting more wasteful after fuel prices rose.

The test is based on the Decree of the Director General (Kepdirjen) of Oil and Gas Number 0486.K/10/DJM.S/2017 concerning Standards and Quality (Specifications) of RON 90 Fuel Types Marketed Domestically. The Pertalite fuel samples tested were taken directly by the Lemigas Team at several gas stations in Jakarta.

Based on these tests, it was found that the Pertalite sample had met the standards and quality of RON 90 type fuel which was marketed domestically. The standard refers to Kepdirjen Migas Number 0486.K/10/DJM.S/2017.