Jamaah Umrah Guarantee, West Java Health Office Gandeng Bio Farma Regarding The Meningitis Vaccine

JAKARTA - The West Java Health Office is coordinating with PT Biofarma to ensure the production and distribution of meningitis vaccines. This is done in relation to a number of prospective Umrah pilgrims who have difficulty getting the meningitis vaccine as one of the conditions for going to the Holy Land. "For the time being, the relocation of vaccines for Hajj is used for Umrah. We are also coordinating with PT Biofarma to ensure the production and distribution of the next meningitis vaccine," said Head of the West Java Health Service (Kadinkes) Dr. Nina Susana Dewi, Thursday, October 6. Nina said that in West Java, the number of meningitis vaccines was running low. People do have difficulty getting meningitis vaccines at the Port Health Office (KKP). As a result of the 2.5-year delay in hajj pilgrimages, the reduction in quota for 2022 pilgrims caused an increase in the number of people who would Umrah and there was no production of meningitis vaccine during the pandemic. The effort carried out by the West Java Health Office regarding this is to write to the Ministry of Health for the reallocation of regular Hajj vaccines in districts/cities to be used by the KKP for the use of temporary Umrah pilgrims.

While waiting for the meningitis vaccine, which will start normal distribution in the second week of October by producers, namely PT Bio Farma. West Java Head of Health advised Umrah travel business players to coordinate with the KKP for departure time. "Because the minimum time for injection is 10 days before departure, namely the time required for immunity, so we must consider the availability of vaccines, injections and departures," he said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the West Java Health Office, Dr. Ryan Bayusantika Ristandi, emphasized that the authority to provide and inject meningotis vaccines for Umrah in Indonesia is the KKP which is a vertical agency under the Indonesian Ministry of Health as well as authorized for the issuance of the International Certificate of Vaccination (ICV). The provision of the Meningoccus Meningooccus (MMM) vaccine is all dropping from the center (Ministry of Health) to the regional KKP (such as the KKP Class 2 Bandung for West Java). In Indonesia, including, "he said the West Java Health Office was only authorized to assist the Bandung Class 2 KKP by efforts to reallocate the remaining hajj vaccine in Regency/City, for the number of details it can go directly to the KKP, because the amount of dynamic assistance changes every day and goes directly to the KKP.