Ahead Of The Trial, Ferdy Sambo 'Involve A Body' Gauting Putri Candrawati Undefare

JAKARTA - Ferdy Sambo installed his body ahead of the trial process in the alleged murder case of Brigadier J and obstruction of justice. The man who has been fired from the police continues to echo the narrative about his wife's innocence, Putri Candrawati.

The narrative was conveyed by Ferdy Sambo through his attorney, Arman Hanis, in the form of a written message.

In the message, the former member of the National Police stated that all his actions in the murder case were based on his love for Putri Candrawati.

He couldn't contain his anger when he heard information about Putri being harassed by Brigadier J.

"Everything I do is because of my love for my wife. I don't know how to discuss feelings, emotions, anger that peaked after hearing information about what my wife was doing. The news is very bitter for me as a husband," said Sambo.

It is undeniable, Sambo deeply regrets all his actions. However, he reiterated his wife was innocent in the premeditated murder case.

In this section, she seems to be in a body position. Because, she stated that Putri Candrawati had not done anything and she would face the ongoing legal process.

"However, I regret being very emotional at the time," he said.

"I will be legally held accountable. My wife was not involved and did nothing," continued Sambo.

Finally, Sambo apologized to the parties involved in the vortex of the premeditated murder case. Including the parents of Brigadier J.

"I apologize to all parties affected by what I did, in particular, I apologize to the victim's father and mother," said Sambo.