Mental Health Not Only Marked By Feelings Of Happiness

JAKARTA - Mental health is not only about feeling happy, but also one's ability to overcome life's pressures to contribute to the communities around them. Mental health includes all feelings that arise throughout life.

"Health is a mental prosperous state that allows people to overcome life pressure, be aware of their abilities, work and study well, and be able to contribute to the community. No one must always be happy. So, more to the whole life, not just feelings (happy)." said Psychiatrician dr. Jiemi Ardian, SpKJ quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, October 1.

Thus, the doctor from the Association of Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialists (PDSKJI) said that to find out whether a person had a mental problem, it can be seen from three conditions, namely distress, disability, deviance, danger (dangerous behavior).

He explained that distress may not be seen from the outside. However, someone who experiences it will feel the suffering in a soul that could cause health problems.

"Maybe we just smile and be happy, but we can feel his suffering inside. What is being done is not fun. Maybe even feel on the body like GERD or migraines," he said.

He continued, another condition, namely disability, causes a person to be unable to carry out activities as usual and even unable to take care of himself.

"What used to be makeup, used to be diligent in bathing, so lazy to take a shower, used to be neat and messy. For example," he said.

While the deviance said Jiemi is the shift or difference between things that are common. For example, when a person can't sleep for days or becomes unable to go out of the house and meets many people.

Meanwhile, Danger, he continued, is dangerous behavior. In this case, usually someone who has a mental problem often thinks about hurting themselves.

"Besides that, there are also thoughts to disappear. For example, tomorrow there won't be any. Well, this is a sign of danger, wanting to lose," said Jiemi.

According to him, if you experience at least two of the three signs, you should be aware that someone is not doing well. However, keep in mind that a person cannot diagnose himself so that if you experience these signs, he recommends seeking professional help.

"But, we don't have to experience two of the four in the past. Even if we just want to consult, want to develop ourselves, or just identify problematic patterns to prevent further problems, we can go to clinical psychologists," concluded Jiemi.