ORI022 Officially Launching, Cuan Results Investment Instrument To Build The Country

JAKARTA - The government has officially launched the Retail State Bonds (ORI) instrument for the ORI022 series which is offered online (e-SBN) to the public ranging from Rp. 1 million to a maximum of Rp. 5 billion.

The Director General of Financing and Risk Management at the Ministry of Finance, Luky Alfirman, said that these state bonds offer a coupon rate of 5.95 percent with a due date on October 15, 2025. Meanwhile, coupon payments are every 15th and coupon payments are the first time December 15.

"ORI022 is part of the state budget financing guaranteed by the government," he said on Monday, September 26.

According to Luky, because it was released directly by the government, it was confirmed that the funds collected were used to finance the country's strategic development program.

So if we give ORI022 then we participate in building this country. So that we get two advantages at once, namely getting returns and also participating in development," he said.

Citing the website of the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance, it is known that Retail State Bonds series ORI022 can be owned online through four stages, namely registration/registering, booking, payment and arrangement/confirmation.

Prior to ordering purchases, every potential investor would have understood the ORI022 information memorandum which was released on September 26, 2022 and can be accessed on the landing page on the link www.kemenkeu.go.id/ori.

There are 30 distribution partners that have been set to serve purchase orders directly through the electronic system, namely BCA, BNI, CIMB Niaga Bank, NISP OCBC Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Panin Bank, Danamon Bank, Permata Bank, Bank DBS Indonesia, BTN, Bank HSBC Indonesia, Bank UOB, Bank Mandiri, BRI, Bank Maybank, Bank Victoria International, Bank Mega, Standard Chartered Bank.

Then for BRI Danareksa Sekuritas securities company, Phillip Sekuritas, BNI Sekuritas, Trimegah Sekuritas, Mandiri Sekuritas.

Then for financial technology (Fintech) companies are Bareksa Portal Investasi, Investree target Jaya, Bibit Grows Together, Lunaria Annua Technology (coinworks), Nusantara Sejahtera Investama (FUNDtastic+), and Mitrausaha Indonesia Group (modalku).