Want To Implement A Digitalization System, Mayor Baubau Asks ASN To Adapt Soon

JAKARTA - Mayor of Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, La Ode Ahmad Monianse asked ASN to understand the digitization system, adapt to technological developments so that they do not fall behind.

"Today, with the digitalization era, we must be able to adapt to development. In the future we will reduce the use of paper to zero points, so that everything must be backed up with a digital system. Now, if the management does not understand IT or the digitization system, how can we provide services?" Ahmad Monianse said when giving a speech to the Technical Guidance for Civil Servant Management. Scope the Baubau City Government in Kendari, Saturday, September 24, quoted from Antara.

He hopes that ASN will adapt to these developments soon so that they do not fall behind. In the digital system, it will make it easier for ASN to work to serve the community.

"With the digitization of ASN data, I think this will provide a sense of justice, especially to ASN. For example, the list of order and rank will definitely be able to easily, including career data, performance data must be recorded properly," he explained.

With this digital data, he continued, it can provide a sense of justice to ASN. Likewise, decision makers will be able to choose who gets the promotion or demotion, because the data used can be accounted for.

In addition, Baubau City ASN must be open in serving the community, because ASN is the nation's service.

"So, we as ASN, dedicate ourselves to serving, not being served. Change it with the old perception. So, don't want to be ASN if you don't want to serve. So, hospitality and continuous improvement efforts are needed; and if, for example, in the management of our ASN or in the service or in the scope of our work, there is still something that is not good, then it is from us who are trying to organize it," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Baubau City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Abdul Rahman said the technical guidance for the management of the scope of civil servants was attended by sub-district heads (kasubags) of staffing throughout the Baubau City OPD.

Technical guidance is carried out in a hybrid manner for three days from Wednesday (21/9) to Friday, by presenting material providers from the Makassar Regional Civil Service Agency (BKN).

"Bimtek is a matter of civil servant management, that in the management of civil servants there are always changes, both in terms of rules and practice, so we always call the personnel sub-district heads to be given enlightenment related to the implementation of existing staff regulations," he said.

With this technical guidance, he hopes that ASN's capacity or knowledge will increase regarding personnel management.