Knowing What It Was A Breached Forums Alleged To Be A Right To Be A Right To Sharer For Executing Their Action

YOGYAKARTA The Breached Forums has been increasingly highlighted in the country after Bjorka's hacker account leaked personal data from the public and a number of Indonesian officials. Then, what is the Breached Forums which has a close relationship with hackers?

Breached Forums is a site hacker Bjorka uses to launch its actions related to the breach of personal data. This site is known as a forum for hackers including Bjorka to share or sell important data.

Simply put, the Breach Forums is a site used for online discussions filled with internet users.

In the it is said that the Breach Forums was made three weeks after the Raid Forums was officially closed or to be precise on March 16, 2022. While the figure of the creator of the Breach Forums calls himself Pompomudin. This figure is also active in Raid Forums.

Pompomudin created a new forum used by illegal hackers as an alternative to the closed Raid Forums.

Although relatively new, at the beginning of the formation of the Breached Forum, there were 1,500 members and continues to grow to this day. Members who joined came from all over the world, including from Indonesia.

Quoted by, even though the forum is still the age of corn, Forum Breached users managed to collect data of approximately 10.9 billion data spread across 533 Datasets. Whereas in the Raid Forum the data that was collected reached 10.8 billion data. However, the two forums cannot be compared because they have their respective advantages.

As mentioned earlier, Breach Forums users come from various countries, including Indonesia. This means that you can also register to join the site. While how to register at the Breach Forums is quite easy.

First, visit the website, then select Register at the top right. You will be redirected to a page containing BreachForums - Registration Agreement. You are advised to carefully read the agreement in order to find out what risks will be taken. After that you can choose I Agree.

Prospective users will be asked to complete a number of data, starting from Username, Password, Email, and so on. After that you can click Submit Registration.

There are a number of rules that the Breached Forums user from Indonesia must understand that are specially made by the manager, especially for users who want to communicate with Bjorka.

In the thread created by the forum admin, it is said that the Breached Forums user can communicate with Bjorka via direct message.

“Jika Anda sekarang berada di forum ini, kemungkinan besar Anda berada di forum ini karena "Bjorka" yang akhir-akhir ini didengungkan di media massa". Anda dapat mencari akun Bjorka di . Jika Anda ingin menghubungi Bjorka, Anda dapat mengirim pesan langsung ke Bjorka lewat fitur pesan pribadi atau japri.”

Users are prohibited from contacting staff to connect with Bjorka or asking about other users at official chats about how to contact Bjorka. This violation will result in the consequences of being banned.

Participants are also not allowed to communicate in Indonesian, must speak English. If it is difficult with English, participants can take advantage of translators such as Google Translate.

The most important thing right now is that you understand that our forum uses English. When you are here, you must use English when communicating with other users, both on official chats, Discord, Telegram, and others.

“Jika Anda ingin membuka konten yang terkunci, Anda harus mendapat kredit atau poin. Kredit bisa didapat dengan mengunggah konten terbaik Anda, atau bisa didapat lewat membeli kredit, atau meningkatkan akun Anda lewat”

An increase in credit accounts and payments can be done with digital currency or crypto, so PayPal cannot be used for transactions in this forum.

That's what information related to the Breached Forums is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.