Asked To Be Firm To Lukas Enembe, KPK Urged By ICW Do A Paksa Pick-up

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was urged to forcibly pick up Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Lukas Enembe if he was uncooperative. Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) assesses that firmness is needed to investigate the alleged corruption that ensnared him.

"ICW urges the KPK to be firm on the legal problems of Lukas Enembe, for example, taking action in the form of forced pick-up," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement, Thursday, September 22.

Kurnia also urged those who hindered the investigation into the alleged corruption case, Lukas, to be prosecuted. The KPK is reminded not to be afraid.

"And ensnared those who hindered the investigation process," he said.

Furthermore, Lukas was asked to cooperate in fulfilling the investigator's summons. Moreover, this summons aims to shed light on the alleged corruption that ensnared him.

Then, the Democratic Party was also asked to fully support efforts to eradicate corruption. Moreover, Lukas Enembe is a cadre of the party bearing the Mercy star symbol.

"The Democratic Party fully supports the KPK's steps in efforts to eradicate corruption, especially regarding the investigation of Lukas Enembe," said Kurnia.

As previously reported, Lukas Enembe has been named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This determination is based on complaints from the public.

The case that ensnared him has not been detailed, but he has been prevented from going abroad for six months. The announcement of the construction of the case that ensnared Lukas will be conveyed to the public during an attempt to force detention.