Iptu Januar Arifin Became The 13th Police In The Circular Of The Brigadier J Case Who Was Sentenced, Democracy 2 Years

JAKARTA - The National Police have decided that Iptu Januar Arifin is guilty of his unprofessionality in a series of murder cases of Brigadier J. Thus, he was sentenced to a mutation in the form of demotion for two years.

"Administrative sanctions are in the form of mutations, in the form of demonstrations for 2 years since being transferred to the Yanma Polri," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Nurul Azizah to reporters, Wednesday, September 21.

The demonstration is the release of positions and a decrease in echelon as well as the transfer of duties to different positions, functions, or regions.

Then, Iptu Januar Arifin was also sanctioned for attending mental development of personality, psychiatry, religion and professional knowledge for 1 month.

The sanction was given because he was proven to have violated Article 5 paragraph 1 letter c, Article 6 paragraph 2 letter b, Article 10 paragraph 1 letter f, Regulation of the Indonesian National Police Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Indonesian Police Code of Ethics Commission.

"Due to this decision, the violator stated that he did not appeal," said Nurul.

Iptu Januar Arifin is a former Pamin Den A Ropaminal Divpropam Polri. He is a member of the 13th National Police who was tried in a series of premeditated murder cases against Brigadier J.

Meanwhile, for the 12 members of the National Police who have been tried in an integral manner, among others, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Kompok Chuck Putranto, Kompol Baiquni Wibowo, and Kombes Agus Nur Patria.

Then, AKP Dyah Chandrawati, AKBP Pujiyarto, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian, Bharada Sadam, Brigadier Frilliyan, and Brigadier Firman Dwi Ariyanto, Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan, and Brigadier Sigid Mukti Hanggono.