Knowing Understanding And Impulse Buying Lock

YOGYAKARTA A company that is able to take advantage of the impulse buying phenomenon is actually able to increase sales and business benefits. However, to take advantage of these opportunities, it must first be known the meaning and triggers of impulse buying.

Impulse buying could be a gap in the morning for companies and MSMEs to market their products. This phenomenon is even experienced by many people. So, what are the meanings and triggers?

In simple terms, impulse buying is a phenomenon that occurs when someone makes a sudden purchase without a plan.

Another source said that impulse buying is a decision that a person suddenly makes to buy goods or services without planning. Purchase made occurred due to the psychological dominance factor of consumers rather than logic.

Quoted from, the notion of impulsiveness in psychology is the purchase made by a person regardless of careful consideration and usually occurs suddenly.

Meanwhile, Bayley and Nancarrow, researchers in the field of psychology, explained that impulse buying is a hedonistic behavior because it is characterized by the appearance of satisfaction when someone does it. This behavior is also considered contrary to the principle of use that prioritizes the benefits of an existing item.

Novia MH & Harmon in the Impulsive Buying Behavior Activity Factor in Fashion Business in Bandung City explained that there are two variables that trigger impulsive shopping, which is as follows.

Is a trigger for impulse buying related to the store environment, availability of time, and also the availability of money.

The store environment in question is the effect that is carried out through the situation or the store environment. Influence is usually manifested in the combination of physical characteristics of stores such as architectural style, product layout, color, lighting, music, and even the aroma of the room in the shop. All variables in the store will trigger impulsive behavior.

Meanwhile, the availability of stores relates to the time allocated by individuals to shop. The more time the buyer has, the more impulse buying behavior gets bigger. This applies the other way around.

The emergence of impulsive buying will also arise because of the availability of money. Money is the biggest determinant to purchase a item or product.

Person-related also has a large enough role in triggering impulse buying. Even the effect that arises is not just a purchase, it can have an impact on the purchase of a particular product or brand.

Quoted from, impulse buying behavior can be triggered by environmental factors for shopping, personality, products, to geographical differences and cultural aspects.

Environmental factors are matters relating to spatial planning to display products, room area, and even aroma. Interesting products supported by good store conditions will attract individuals to make impulsive purchases. Not only that, but people in the store also determine the individual to make an impulsive purchase.

Apart from being related to shops, impulse buying is also driven by the personality factor of good character, namely the nature that prioritizes material profit and focuses on self-image and popularity. Not only that, an unfavorable psychological condition will also encourage a person to buy impulsive things.

Product aspects also have a big role in the occurrence of impulsive purchases. Goodly packaged products will increase the urge for purchases.

Geographic factors and culture are also a strong supporter of impulse buying. Cultural factors, for example, a person who is used to being independent will tend to experience impulse buying compared to individuals who live in collective community culture.

That's information about the understanding and trigger of the impulse buying. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.