Trusted By Revitalization Of The AA Maramis Building, Jakkon Gets The Best Architect Team

JAKARTA - PT Jakarta Consultindo (Jakkon) is proud and honored to gain the trust of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani in revitalizing the very historic AA Maramis building at Lapangan Banteng, Central Jakarta.

Director of PT Jakkon Hani Sumarno said that in the revitalization project of the AA Maramis Building, his party mobilized the best architect team and experienced experts in their fields.

The teams that are members of it are architectural, restoration, structure, geotechnic, infrastructure, electrical mechanical, special lighting, archaeology, landscape and K3 projects. "We feel very proud and honored to have won the trust to revitalize the AA Maramis Building from the Minister of Finance, because not many consultants have the honor to handle cultural heritage buildings. Moreover, the AA Maramis building is a large-scale cultural heritage building," Hani said in an official statement, quoted on Tuesday, September 20.

For your information, Gedung AA Maramis is a building that is included in the category of cultural heritage aged nearly 200 years from the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Herman Willem Daendels. Thus, this building is the largest historic building in DKI Jakarta, located in the center of Jakarta.

According to Hani, the AA Maramis Building is a category A cultural heritage building that cannot be changed from its original shape. Therefore, the PT Jakkon Team is not allowed to injure the building.

"But with the principle of prudence, we try our best and as much as possible to complete the deadline given by the Ministry of Finance," explained Hani.

"We are very careful in working on the revitalization project of the AA Maramis Building. The work is now in the construction stage and is planned for handover on October 30 to coincide with the Money Day," said Hani. The Ministry of Finance, continued Hani, often holds activities and state conferences. Therefore, the idea was sparked by the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani to revitalize the AA Maramis Building with the aim of post-revitalizing this building to be exhibited and deserves to be exhibited to the world and used as a place to receive state guests. This is better than renting a ballroom of various hotels in Jakarta continuously.