Knowing The Fastie Deficit Diet To Lower Weight

JAKARTA - The calorie deficit diet is one way to lose weight by losing the number of calories that enter the body. This type is recommended by nutritionists for applying a balanced diet.

Health Communicators Kalbe Nutritionals dr. Dewi Virdianti said this type of diet is an arrangement for eating patterns with less calorie consumption compared to physical activities that require a lot of energy.

"For example, the daily calorie requirement for normal people is in 2000 calories one day, so if we want to lose weight, it means we have to reduce the calorie intake, so (cut) about 500 calories per day," said Dewi, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, September 20.

Furthermore, Dewi said that this type of diet requires the principle of a healthy diet, namely paying attention to the type of food and the amount. The foods consumed must also include protein, vegetables, fruits and limiting fast food consumption.

Foods that can make you full for longer times such as oatmeals, sweet potatoes, potatoes, talas and cassava are also recommended to be consumed. Daily meal schedules are also important to pay attention to. In this case, it does not mean that people don't need breakfast, don't have dinner and don't have lunch.

The calorie deficit diet will not work if it is not balanced with physical activity and behavioral changes.

"Of course it must be followed by balance or patterns of our activities. So if our daily activities are only mostly sitting or lying down, then the calorie intake must also be reduced. But if there are many activities, we are diligent in sports, then the calorie intake can be 2000 or even more," said Dewi.

Improper diet can cause the risk of complications, malnutrition until weight increases again after the diet program is completed. Because, when there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body will ask for more.

Malnutrition is an imbalance in nutritional intake or imbalance, either an excess of nutrients that cause obesity or lack of nutrition (an thin body) which risks the emergence of other diseases.

When malnutrition occurs, the body will be more easily sore, weak, immune system disorders and hormone formation due to lack of protein, the muscles feel cramped due to lack of calcium, even fainting due to running out of energy.

One of the right ways to measure the portion without a diet is to fill my Ditetiku pattern. One by three plates are filled with staple foods, one by three are filled with vegetables, and the last one by three is filled with side dishes and fruit. Then, you can add milk as a snack.

"But the milk is also considered which is also not high in calories," said Dewi.nv

Ideally, losing weight is needed at around 1200-150 calories per day. However, this is different for each person and must adjust to their respective Body Mass Index or BMI (Body Mass Index).