Doctor UI: Thlasemia's Blood Disorders Have No Drug
JAKARTA - Doctor from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) Donny Nauhar, B.Sc., M.S.Med, stated that there is no cure for a blood disorder, Thalassemia, which can be passed down from a parent to their child so far.
"To check Thalassemia, a complete blood test, genetic test, and the electrophoresis of hemoglobin can be carried out", Donny Naupar said in his statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, September 17.
Thalassemia is a disorder in the formation of oxygen transporter (hemoglobin) in red blood cells, so that red blood cells break easily.
For this reason, FKUI conducts Community Service (Pengmas) by providing education in the form of counseling and consultations for Labuhan Bajo residents of East Nusa Tenggara to reduce the number of blood disorders or Thalassemia.
The packaging carried out in Labuan Bajo aims to introduce blood and blood disease to the public, to increase public knowledge, and increase awareness of the disease.
This packaging team from the Doctoral Program for Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) held health counseling and consultations on blood disorders.
Activities are centered at the Labuan Bajo Health Center, Komodo District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, with the target participants being pregnant women and female students from SMPN 1 Komodo and MAN Labuan Bajo School.
Lecturer and student of FKUI Biomedical Sciences dr. Rahimi Syaidah, Ph.D. said blood is a red and thick liquid contained in the body that contains plasma and cells.
Blood plays a role in bringing oxygen and nutrients, as well as helping the body to carry out its functions properly. Blood consists of plasma (55 percent) which carries water, nutrients, and salt, and blood cells (45 percent) which there are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets or platelets.
Doctor of FKUI Dr. dr. Ani Retno Prijanti, M.Biomed explained disorders in the blood such as Anemia and Thalassemia. Anemia is a condition where the body has a lack of red blood cells or when red blood cells do not function to carry oxygen.
Some of the symptoms of anemia are tiredness, lethargy, yellowish, fast heart rate and short breath, dizziness, Hb < 13.5 g/dl for men male and HB < 11.5 g/dl for women.
To prevent anemia, some things that can be done are consuming foods rich in vitamin C, not drinking tea or coffee, and eating green vegetables, tofu, nuts, meat, cereals, vitamin B12, vitamin folic acid vitamins, and iron supplements.