Kapolda Metro Jaya Meet With DPRD Asking Budget Assistance To Build Tangguh Village

JAKARTA - The Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, met with the leadership of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. The arrival of Inspector General Fadil was welcomed by the Chairman of the DKI Regional Parliament, Prasetio Edi Marsudi.

Inspector General Fadil said his visit to the Kebon Sirih legislature was to ask for financial support from the DPRD, through the DKI Regional Budget, in order to build the Tangguh Village program.

"I want to build Kampung Tangguh in Jakarta. Of course I need financial support. From there, maybe the DKI DPRD can allocate a budget," said Fadil at the DKI DPRD building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 26.

Inspector General Fadil explained that Kampung Tangguh is a collaborative program between the ranks of the DKI Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda). In addition, community participation, and community organizations are also involved in this program.

"This is a collaboration between the Forkoimda regional government, then the community, PT, then NGOs, mass organizations, we invite all of them to come together," said Fadil.

Each RW in Jakarta will later have a Kampung Tangguh program officer. This program prioritizes handling the COVID-19 pandemic and overcoming its economic impact.

"If he uses the concept of a tough village, then he will be more accountable for involving residents. He knows very well who is affected there. Who needs assistance, so that the distribution of BLT social assistance can be maximized," he explained.

In addition, Inspector General Fadil will optimize the Kampung Tangguh program to secure villages from potential criminal acts.

"We can optimize the area so that it is safe, drug free, hoax free, free of radicalism, intolerance, and so on. I am sure it will run well," he said.

Responding to this, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, supported Fadil's idea regarding the Tangguh Village program. Because, according to him, the DKI Forkopimda ranks need to strengthen coordination to handle the pandemic.

"We will support programs for the public at large. It's nothing, because once again we have to be solid and certainly the pandemic disease will disappear. But if we are not solid, divided, eventually the community will be confused," said Prasetio.