Children Victims Of Sexual Abuse Of Pastorial Candidates In Alor NTT Added To 14 People, Case Files Has Been Delegated To The Kejari
ALOR - The Alor Police Criminal Investigation Team, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has handed over the case file for sexual violence with the suspect as a candidate for a SAS priest to the Kalabahi District Attorney (Kejari)."The case file has been completed and will soon be transferred to the Kalabahi District Attorney,” said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Alor Police Iptu Yames Jems Mbau in Kupang, Antara, Friday, September 16.SAS, a candidate priest on duty in Alor, has committed immoral acts against the victim, most of whom were minors from May 2021 to March 2022.Apart from being a victim of sexual violence, dozens of children were also identified as victims of violations of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE).Now the victims of sexual violence by SAS have increased to 14 people. Of which most of them are children under 17 years old.Jems said, from the results of the investigation by the Alor Police investigator team, it was known that the victims were not molested, there were also teenage girls who were recorded on video and photographed while not wearing clothes or while naked.“ The results of the confessions of the victims and suspects before committing immoral acts, the suspect recorded a video of the victims,” said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.After committing immoral acts and recording videos of the suspects, he threatened the victims not to report the actions of the suspect, otherwise the recorded video would be spread.This case continues to be investigated by the local police. And the number of victims continued to grow from the original six people, then it increased to 12 people and now 14 people.The NTT Police Chief Inspector General Setyo Budiyanto hopes that the suspect in the case can be given maximum sanctions for his actions.