3 Things That Cause Fire, Here's How To Prevent It

JAKARTA - A number of fires have recently occurred in a number of areas in Jakarta. To avoid this unwanted incident, the City Government (Pemkot) of West Jakarta (Jakbar) provides information on how to prevent fires and carry out early extinguishing independently to the community.
"We provide the procedure in the routine socialization that we do in every RW," said Head of the Operations Section of the West Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (PKP), Syarifudin, Thursday, September 15.
Syarifudin said the fire could occur due to three things, namely an electrical short circuit, a gas leak and the negligence of residents in burning trash or candles.
He explained that if there was a spark on the gas stove, residents were advised not to panic and immediately extinguish the fire using a wet sack or cloth.
In addition, extinguishing fires with water, sacks and wet cloths serves to seal the air that enters the hotspots.
Syarifudin also recommends not turning off or turning on the lights when a gas leak occurs in a room. Especially when the smell of gas is stinging in the room.
"Don't turn off or turn on the electricity because there are sparks from the electricity. If the lights are on or off, leave them alone," he said.
Finally, it appealed to all houses or shops to have a light fire extinguisher or fire extinguisher.
This is because the fire extinguisher is very effective in extinguishing fires that arise due to an electrical short circuit. With the fire extinguisher, residents also do not need to extinguish the fire from close range.
However, when the fire has grown and cannot be extinguished with simple tools, his party advises residents to change officers at 112 or 021-568 2284.
"Every neighborhood unit is expected to have a telephone number for the sub-district firefighters," he said.