Regarding The TNI, Such As A Mob, Pangdam Hasanuddin, Strengthens Soldiers In Their Regions, Stay Solid

JAKARTA - Pangdam XIV/Hasanuddin Maj. Gen. TNI Totok Imam Santoso emphasized that the TNI in the Kodam XIV/Hasanuddin area remained solid and compact.
"We have no effect on the performance of all TNI soldiers regarding the statement of one of Commission I of the DPR RI. The TNI in the Hasanuddin Kodam area remains solid and one command," said Totok during his inauguration as Mr. Asuh Anak Stunting (BAAS) by the Head of Balitbang BKKBN Deputy M Rizal M Damanik at Manunggal Hall, Makodam Hasanuddin, Makassar, Tuesday, September 13.
According to him, the statements made by DPR member Effendi Simbolon and the news circulating did not affect the performance of all TNI soldiers, both the Army, Sea and Air.
"I am Pangdam, Kasdam, Danrem, Asintel and Dandim, all of them are solid and compact in carrying out their main tasks, to maintain the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained, quoted by Antara.
On that occasion, the Military Commander also assured that professionalism has always been an emphasis in carrying out the main tasks of the TNI, namely maintaining security, welfare and regional safety in accordance with the direction and emphasis of Kasad and the TNI Commander.
He said all soldiers carry out their main duties solidly and compactly between land, sea, air and the police. Even various programs and activities are carried out together, such as sports or handling demonstrations.
Regarding the vision and slogan of Kodam XIV/ Hasanuddin under the leadership of Major General TNI Totok, TNI soldiers in carrying out their main tasks focus on "6K DI HATI KITA".
The 6K vision includes Characters, Kapabels, Contemporars, Compacts, Secretariats and Kerakyatan. This slogan is a guide, vision and mission for every Kodam Hasanuddin soldier in carrying out his main duties.
Effendi Simbolon gave statements from the TNI such as gangs during a meeting with the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa on September 5, 2022. Effendi highlighted the Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman who was not present at the meeting and conveyed that there were issues of disharmony within the TNI.