Because Former Terrorists Must Be Trained To Restore Love Of The Republic Of Indonesia
JAKARTA - Mathlaul Anwar, centered in Menes, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, conducted guidance and assistance to former terrorists to return to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). "We carried out the guidance and assistance of former terrorists in collaboration with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT)," said General Chairperson of the Mathlaul Anwar Executive Board (PBMA), KH Embay Sarief, while attending the construction of the Al Hudori Mosque and Boarding School, in Pandeglang, Tuesday, September 13. Mathlaul Anwar's collaboration with BNPT is still running to jointly provide guidance and assistance, because the act of terrorists is wrong and not justified. This is because Islam was born into the world bringing peace as a religion of "Rahmatan lil alamin" or affection for the whole world. In addition, Islam also does not teach by means of violence, let alone to killing innocent people. The act of killing innocent people is certainly a big sin, and Islam forbids these actions. Mathlaul Anwar carried out the guidance and assistance of former terrorists by conveying true Islamic teachings based on Al Quran and Hadist. terror and radical acts are also contrary to the teachings of Islam and state law. "Mathlaul Anwar himself condemns acts of terror and radical acts," he explained as quoted from Antara. According to him, the guidance and assistance of former terrorists to return to the recognition of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila ideology, the 1945 Constitution, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Former terrorists were also employed by Mathlaul Anwar to manage waste into organic fertilizer in collaboration with Indonesia Power Labuan. In addition, former terrorists also participated in the training of crafts and entrepreneurship, so that their lives were independent in society.
In fact, at all levels of education, Mathlaul Anwar will open a Mathlaul Anwar stall by accommodating local MSME products. Warung Mathlaul Anwar collaborated with the Ministry of Industry, so that later he would sell basic commodities and sell them at low prices and affordable by the community. "We opened the Mathlaul Anwar Mart shop at the Mathlaul Anwar College center, Anwar Cimaying Menes, because it is located on the highway and there are MSME actors," he also said. Director of Boarding School Mathlaul Anwar Solihin Zaenal said that the teachings of terrorism and radicalism were prohibited by Islam, because they carried out violent methods to the killing of anyone the victims. Therefore, Mathlaul Anwar carried out guidance and assistance to former terrorists by following the recitation, so that they realized that acts of violence were prohibited by religion and the state. ex-terrorists were exposed by receiving the wrong doctrines in interpreting Islamic teachings and were no longer relevant. In addition, they also understand the verses of the Quran and Hadist in pieces and not completely accepted them. "We are straightening back with the teachings of true Islam with full love and love for peace to create the welfare of the community," he said again.