Bonding In a Relationship is Influenced by These 3 Things

YOGYAKARTA – Two people who are committed as a romantic partner, may be curious about the underlying elements of compatibility. Compatibility is indeed an enigmatic thing. Sometimes it can be measured but often there is a magical element that cannot be predicted. But based on research, identify three factors that allegedly make two people in a pair click.

1. Differences that can unite

Two different people's personalities, values, preferences and interests make a relationship sustainable. Apparently, physical attraction alone is not enough to keep the wheels of romance going. According to psychologist Mark Travers, Ph.D., reported by Psychology Today, Monday, September 12, exemplifying two people who are partners and have differences that complement each other becomes the foundation of a solid relationship. For example, one person is more extroverted than their partner.

This explanation sometimes also fails to identify matches. But to be sure, love often has no fixed explanation.

Illustration of compatibility in a couple relationship (Freepik/pressfoto)

2. Commitment is the most important

It is difficult to maintain a healthy romantic relationship without strong trust and commitment. You probably don't need science to prove this. But this is almost certain to happen.

A study that looked at 11.000 romantic partners found that relationship commitment and trust were the most important factors in predicting overall relationship quality. Although the results of the study find it difficult to prove the level of happiness with elements of trust and commitment, but with these elements, couples can respect each other, respect each other, communicate healthily, and resolve conflicts.

3. Physical touch

In a long-term relationship, sex and or other physical touch affects. The study found that sexual satisfaction was the third most important element in predicting relationship satisfaction in over 11,000 couples.

The three elements above, may not completely break the code of love. But that doesn't mean that insight can't help guide you and your partner towards a better relationship.