Can Sports Routines Improve Body Immunity? Here's An Explanation

YOGYAKARTA Not only routine exercise, it can increase immunity. According to a number of studies, the frequency, time, and intensity need to be considered to get optimal benefits from exercise.

In simple terms, exercise is indeed useful in preventing bacterial and viral infections. Maintaining strong immunity is the main prevention. While what exercise can help boost immunity?

Research shows that moderate-intensity exercise is the best. Moderate to high intensity for 60 minutes or less, can be optimal in increasing the body's immunity. If done every day, the immune system and metabolism strengthen.

On the other hand, prolonged high-intensity exercise without rest actually suppresses your immune system. Launching Healthline, Friday, September 9, the body needs enough time to recover after strenuous exercise. That is, consider the time too.

Most adults, it takes at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. Or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise. If possible, set your exercise schedule at least 2 times a week. The movement is focused on strengthening muscles involving the main muscle group in your legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms.

In addition to regular exercise, active activities in a week are very good for overall health. This is also the first step to improve your immune system.

According to research conducted in 2019 and published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science, exercise with moderate intensity is increasing the circulation of immune cells in your body. This helps the body prepare more for future infections. Even with regular exercise, the body can detect and treat infections early.

Exercise for these benefits is above, with aerobic exercises for 30-45 minutes. In addition, exercise can also increase body temperature that can prevent bacteria from growing. Plus, exercise helps get a good sleep and lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Inflammation as a response to the body from bacterial infections and viruses can be reduced by moderate exercise of intensity. You should know that a strong immune system at all times can prevent viruses, infections, and other diseases. The immune system consists of cells, organs, tissues, and even cough reflexs. The main task is to expel or limit infections and other diseases. The system in protecting and attacking infectants, is carried out by the body by making antibodies. This is what is called immunity or body immunity.